Ordering School Uniform

School Uniform

Wearing school uniform is compulsory and is an important part of our school community. It fosters a sense of belonging and unity among students, helping them feel proud to represent our school. Uniforms reduce distraction, allowing students to focus more on learning and less on fashion choices. 

Additionally, uniforms promote equality by reducing the visible differences in clothing, which can help reduce peer pressure to wear different clothing items. When everyone is dressed alike, it encourages a spirit of teamwork and collaboration. 

To ensure that every student has access to our school uniform, we work alongside State School’s Relief as our uniform supplier. By working with them we are able to order many free items of uniform for families who may need assistance. Please contact Kylie Tiziani in the office for further information.

We appreciate your support in ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform each day. This commitment helps create a positive and respectful learning environment for all students. Please refer to our uniform policy for guidelines on the appropriate attire. A copy of the school uniform and dress code policy can be found here – WPS-Student-Uniform-and-Dress-Code-Policy.pdf

State School Relief – Online Uniform Ordering

State Schools Relief now have the online uniform shop available at https://ssr-online-store.myshopify.com/collections/wonthaggi-primary-school

For detailed instructions on how to use myshopify to order uniform click here.


Uniform can also be purchased at their shop in Dandenong or via their website. Online orders are delivered directly to your home. There is an $8.80 shipping cost. 

All returns are handled directly with State School Relief using the return form you can download from the following link.

Online returns information

Online returns form

Any other concerns or issues please contact Sharon Sartori, Business Development Manager on 0477 049 708 or email Sharon.sartori@ssr.net.au who is more than happy to assist with sizing charts and any other questions you have.

State Schools Relief also offers FREE uniform to those families experiencing financial hardship and for Foundation students who are eligible for CSEF (Camps Sports Excursions Funding). If you would like to take up this offer, please contact Kylie Tiziani or Bridget O’Keefe at the school or speak with one of the office staff.

School Hats and Bags

Sun Smart school hats are to be worn by all children from 1st September to 30th April.

Hats and School bags are available to purchase at the school office or call 5672 1600 for prices. Eftpos is available.

A copy of the schools sunsmart policy can be found here – WPS-Sun-Smart-Policy.pdf (wonthaggips.vic.edu.au)